Survivor Care
Images ©Jacky Douglas
Supported by
Survivor Care Project
The Project provides community-based support to adult survivors of all types of modern slavery in Southend-on-Sea, including sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, domestic servitude and criminal exploitation. The project aims to: increase their well-being; encourage community integration; reduce survivors’ loneliness; improve access to local services, and finally; build resilience and new skills. This is done in three ways:
1. Befriending
A befriender is available to meet with a survivor on a weekly basis for 1-2 hours to provide regular social contact, to decrease loneliness, to help create gateways into groups, to help a survivor to access local services and to help build community connections. For example, going together for a coffee, a walk in the park, shopping or attending a local creative or sports group. The befriender will be there to celebrate the survivor’s achievements as well as talk through any setbacks.
2. Mentoring
A mentor is available to meet with a survivor on a weekly basis for 1-2 hours for goal focussed support, to build confidence and to increase employability and life skills. A mentor could help a survivor update their CV, make an application for study, volunteering or employment or help them join the library. The mentor could accompany and advocate for a survivor at an appointment if required. The mentor will be there to celebrate the survivor achievements as well as work through any setbacks.
3. Practical Help
Practical help is available for survivors. Our practical helper volunteer co-ordinator facilitates community volunteers when needs arise. This could involve: cooking/baking, DIY, gardening, deliveries, bike repair, welcome boxes, IT.
If you can help, fill out the Practical Help Form below.
Get in Touch
A. Survivors
If you are local to the Southend area and have been exploited through modern slavery or human trafficking we would love to hear from you
B. Organisations
If your organisation is working with a survivor who would benefit from our Survivor Care Project then get in touch
C. Volunteers
Can you commit to 1-2 hours each week for a minimum of a year? We are looking for befrienders and mentors to meet regularly with survivors. Training and support will be given.
Or offer as much or as little time as you like to help meet the practical needs of the individuals we support through the work of SAMS. Could you help with cooking/baking, DIY, gardening, deliveries, bike repair, welcome boxes, IT? If so, get in touch